Sunday, September 11, 2011

Gishki Ritual Control

Hidden arsenal 5 will bring a lot of new strategies to the game, and of course, some of the more powerful xyz monsters. But today I want to talk about a deck that I wanted to play since it came up in the OCG.

Gishi is an archetype who aims to summon ritual monsters almost every turn. We all know how inconsistency this could be, in fact, the only ritual monsters played lately is herald of perfection and even that deck is really inconsistence. However, Konami know that and instead of create broken ritual monsters like herald of perfection, they create a searchable engine in order to make a really consistence Gishki deck. And this is what I did:

3 deep sea diva
3 Gishki abyss
3 Gishki erial
3 Gishki Shadow
3 Vision Gishki
3 Evigishki gustkrake
1 Evigishki Soul Ogre

3 Gishki ceremonial mirror
1 Book of moon
1 pot of avarice
3 Pot of duality
1 Heavy storm
2 Preparation of rites
2 Moray of greed
3 salvage
1 dark hole

2 Bottomless Trap hole

The key card in the deck is the ritual monster EviGishki Guskrake. Usually the bad thing about a ritual monster is that you need to waste two cards in order to put a ritual monster in the field, and this monster is not the exception. You will need the ritual spell card and something to tribute. But the ritual spell card have anothe effect in the grave, you can return it to the deck and take back the ritual monster from the grave to your hand. So it's a +1 once you use your ritual monster. Also EviGishki Guskrake let you look two cards from your opponent hand and send one to the grave, so it is also a +1. And that is how you will summon a ritual monster without losing card advantage.

You still need to get those 3 cards (the ritual spell, the tribute and the ritual monster), and to do that you have excellent searchers. Gishki Shadow and Vision Gishki can replace the whole tribute you need to Ritual summon a Gishki monsters, also you can discard them to search the ritual monster and the ritual spell card respectively, so you are playing 3 extra copies of each one. This is great to make those rituals summon more easier, but that isn't all. Gishki abyss and Erial let you search for any Gishki card you need, so you will be able to get the ritual monster, Gishki shadow or Vision Gishki. Now you have 12 searchers that let you make your ritual summons twice faster. BUT that isn't all...

Now we add Deep sea diva and Preparation of rites to give even more consistency to the deck and create a truly good first turn. We can summon deep sea diva and bring Vision Gishki, then active the ritual spell card, and use Vision Gishki as the tribute. EviGishki Guskrake will make your opponent discard one card, and then you can syncro diva and EviGishki Guskrake into Stardust dragon. In the grave, you can active the ritual spell card, return it to the deck, and take back EviGishki Guskrake to your hand. Now you have 4 cards in your hand and stardust in the field. While you know one of the four cards that your opponent has in his hand.

I also add 3 Pot of duality and 2 moray of greed to get more consistency to the deck. Pot of avarice and Salvage let you return the Vision Gishki and Gishki shadow to your hand and make even two ritual summons in one turn.

Of course, the worst enemy against this deck is Thunder King rai-oh, but against him we have the perfect side deck:

"Forbidden arts of the Gishki"


  1. what about Gishki beast.

  2. I like the card. But I hate dead draws, and the deck in general have a lot of them.
