Friday, February 3, 2012

The end of Rank 3

With Tour Bus released on the TCG, we get the last support card for rank 3. Konami have been trying to push this since the begining of the format but wasn't really successfull, the number of YCS players down a lot, and the number of player leaving the game increased. Konami finally understand that the whole rank 3 strategy have been a disaster and have to be stopped. The first step was the release of zenmaines on the OCG, the second step was the early release of order of chaos in the TCG, The third step is the reprint announced of Tour guide of the underworld (a totally useless card for the next format). And the final step will be banlist, a new format without zenmaines, Sangan and rank 3 support. A new format which skill drain decks will have advantage.

Tour guide will be still on the game, but it could be only useful on Dark World decks and some fiend and chaos decks. Also, Effect veiler reprint will be totally useless on skill drain format.


  1. I hate Skill Drain so much ^^, but the fucking whore rank 3 must DIE!

    1. Skill drain kills decks that is heavy monster as all monster have to have effects to do stuns

      Troll only.

  2. Whoever invented Tour Bus must be thinking this, "Ms Tour Guide is so lonely, let's give her something to drive and improve her efficiency in touring the underworld"
    Troll only
