Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Right Banlist

I understand this game is business for Konami, when we see an awesome broken card, they see a piece of paper with huge profits for the company. We know that and we accept it from the beginning. Even though, we keep playing this game because we like it. we used to believe we were receiving what we pay for.

This game has been evolving a lot in the last four years. After Tele-DAD format, this game has been going down on prince, and his complexity attracted a lot of people. Good design (solem warning), tactical decisions (Shi en), Complex strategies (Fishborg blaster), and complex card effects (karakuri). All of these are excellent examples of the things we loved about yugi-oh in the last few years. All these things require skill and experience to be performed perfectly.

However things have been changing a lot lately. Usually Konami push the game to the limit at the end of each format, but this time is not the case. This new format has all the broken decks on it, and what is worst, the next decks of the following months have to be even more broken in order to get a spot in meta and increase konami's profits.

After all these goods years, how could we live with this? How could we play if only a coin toss could kill us? Would we deserve to win only because we draw broken cards?

Why we have to keep feeling this? We shouldn't have to... We buy the cards, we think about it, we play the game, we are yugi-oh, Why we have to let somebody else put the rules? We love this game and now is time to protect it.

Maybe we need to create our own banlist, a good one. A banlist established by the best players in the game (National and continental champions) working together for a healthy format.

We need to show konami and the world what we are capable of. If you think the same, spread this idea. We need to organize us.


  1. I honestly don't think people would put the effort to make their own banlists. "If Konami doesn't care, why should we" is the main question?

  2. I like this idea, some people were create their banlist for a tournament in the YVD. If we look the current format and the next, may be, the only solution is that, OUR BANLIST.

  3. Muy buen post Eh_Chavo, la verdad esq tienes mas razon que un santo es nuestro juego, nuestras reglas.

    Es bien cierto q tiene que haber alguien arriba moderando el juego, para no dejar q alguien abuse demasiado de un combo o de una carta, para evitar q cada jugador entienda un efecto de la manera que le viene en gana xq el texto es insuficiente (hablo de los rulings q hay detras de los efectos). Pero que pasa cuando ese alguien de arriba mas que mantener el orden entre jugadores quiere sacar pasta y mas pasta?

    Pues esto, que hace una banlist que toca cosas q estan bien tocadas pero mira a otro lado con otras cosas que tambien debieran moderar... ahora pasa que estas segundas cosas no moderarian el juego solo, si no el dinero que ganan, he aqui el conflicto de intereses del moderador-vendedor y el jugador

    Por ultimo decir q yo apoyo una banlist hecha por jugadores siempre que sea con un poco de cabeza. Lo digo pensando en mi y en mis karakuris, xq carece de sentido tocar el deck torrential vienendose a 2 y 3 veilers poniendose a alcance de todo el mundo dejan la idea de limitar cartas karakuri un poco fuera de lugar (no hablemos del incontable side contra maquinas y de la cara maxx c)
