Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The new era of Hieratics (Labradorite and Galaxy serpent built)

I have been tested Hieratic with the new normal tuners and the result are so huge that we can totally change the way hieratic is played. But before I talk about the new things, I want to make a review of the things we had left after Darkness metal dragon got limited and Constellar Ptolemy M7 appears.

The past:

Hieratic was a three cards OTK combo, where you tribute at least twice to bring 3 Atums and 2 Redmd, which then became 3 Gaia and 1 Gustav Max for the win. A little after that, Hieratic was used with Gishki to build a handless combo using evigishki gustkraken and Constellar Ptolemy M7. Then the banlist took care of both version limiting Red eyes darkness metal dragon and Gustkraken to 1.

After that, Hieratic became a lame rank 6 combo (using only Tefnuit and Su) to bring either Atum, a dead Redmd and a random tiny electric dragon, or bring Constellar Ptolemy to get rid of some monster on the field (or retrieve a hieratic monster from the grave). Using the lv5 hieratic monster will lead to a desaster since many situation end with a lv5 weak hieratic monster and a 0 atk vanilla lv6 in the field (you can kill yourself at this point). So, you are playing an hieratic deck with too few hieratic monsters, the deck started to cry for the lack of consistency.

Building a field is useless if you can not protect it. Hieratic was unable to summon stardust or something similar (Pandemic Contagion Infestation, Dracossack, etc). Things went worse when Big Eye was all over the place. Furthermore, chaining Maxx C to an hieratic effect means you either go for game or lose the next turn, you couldn't decide to stop because hieratic don't had enough resources to start the combo again in another turn. Big backrow fields was also a problem, a solitarie mirror force can stop the whole thing.

The present:

Now that we can choose between searchable lv6 (Labradorite Dragon) or lv2 (Galaxy Serpent) tuners makes the deck a lot better. For instance, you can use lv5 hieratic monsters to bring lv11, or lv7 syncro monsters or use lv6 hieratic monsters to bring lv8 syncro monsters or rank6 xyz monsters. You can now end with a field of Atum, Redmd and Stardust to protect it all. You can bring Crimson Blader to stop DragonRulers. If your opponent chain Maxx C, you can go for Stareater, hit for a lot of damage, and veiler wont stop you (also your opponent will only draw 2 cards). Now you don't need Gustav Max because you have access to Ancient Sacred Wyvern to deal the ultimate damage and win the duel. Backrow or huge fields ( cof cof Fire fist cof cof) won't be a problem since you have access to BlackRose Dragon.

The deck is now full of options, you can go for defense (Starteater, Crimson Blader or Stardust), for card advantage (Blackrose dragon, ScrapDragon, Atum or Constellar Ptolemy) or for the win (Ancient Sacred Wyvern). But thats not all, now that you can use lv5 hieratic monsters, you have 6 new monsters with huge synergy in the hieratic deck. That puts the deck with a total of 12 hieratic monsters (14 if you add the Rota). But That's not all, the new vanilla lv6 monster is DARK, which means you can add some Chaos monsters like Pulsar, chaos Sorcerer and BLS and they will never be a dead draw (almost).

I have been testing the deck and I found myself with extra space. Yes, you hear right, I have blank spot to add any tech card I want. And since I'm a control player, I decided to add some traps, which are usually protected by Stardust. (He also protect my sidedeck cards which is also good)

I will end up this post with the decklist (totally argueable)

Monsters: (26)

3 H Tefnuit
3 H Su
3 H Eset
3 H Nebthet
2 Dragrad (Dragodorado)
2 Labradorite Dragon
1 Galaxy Serpent
1 Honest
1 Gorz
2 Maxx C
2 Veiler
1 Pulsar
1 Chaos Sorcerer
1 Redmd


1 Dark hole
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn
1 Book of Moon
2 Forbidden Lance
2 Hieratic Seal of Convocation (Rota)


2 Mirror Force
2 Bottomless Trap Hole

I will make a few videos to show you how bad I played (the deck is good though)


  1. Replies
    1. How do u go into stareater with a lvl 5 hieratic? Sorry if it seens like stupid question. ..I m trying to play hieratics

    2. lv6 Labradorite dragon + lv5 hieratic = Stareater lv11

  2. Sorry man I didn't pay attention to labradorite being a tuner but yea that will help hieratics become better and have a toolbox for every situation

  3. bro why the hell are you saying hieratics were shit?
    The last formar they were nothing cuz Spellbook and rulers were too op, but they can get the otk still...
    Now they have more support but that doesn't mean they were a lame deck in the past.. I use it in DN and actually I have more wins than loses..
    Ty 4 your opinion but hieratics are too good to say they were a lame

    1. In terms of competitive game, hieratic were bad as well as many other decks because the OP of spellbook and Drulers. Maybe the word "shit" is too strong and I shouldn't use it. I'm not an english speaker so sorry.
      Hieratics was good, as good as any other tier 1.5 deck like inzektor or karakuri, and I hope we both can agree on that.
