Monday, April 16, 2012

Phoenixian Cluster Amaryliss - Skill Drain

After weeks of testing, I believe we have three options. We can play one of the three top tier deck of the format (rescue rabbit, inzektor or wind-up), or play a kind of skill drain deck (Dark world, hero-Fusion, etc) or play an OTK deck (Dragons chaos, Burn deck, Herietic, etc).

Beyond those three options, there are few toptiers two decks floating around the tournaments, which is nice. I see we have a lot of diversity, however I never like OTK decks or heavy investment decks (Rescue rabbit), I rather play Frog Monarch the whole format instead of any competitive deck right now.

How I said on my previous post, I have been working on plants on the last few weeks. Even without spore and bulb, the archetype still have good options. Some of them are perfect for a skill drain deck like Cherry inmato, phoenix cluster amaryliss, lonefire Blossom and botanical girl. I manage to create a deck about all these cards and it give me a lot of victories, but it still fall on consistency. I will show and explain the decklist and then I will explain why I think the archetype hasn't the potential to survive right now.

Monster 17

2 Botanical girl
2 Phoenix Cluster Amaryliss
2 Tytaniall
3 Cherry Inmatto
1 Lonefire blossom
1 Sangan
2 Goblin zombie
1 Mezuki
1 Plaguespreader zombie
2 Interplanetarypurplythorny Dragon (LOL)

15 spell

1 Allure of Darkness
1 Dark hole
1 Reborn
1 Hidden armory
2 Mark of the roses
2 Duality
2 D.D.R.
3 Trade in

8 Trap

2 Skill drain
2 Torrential tribute
1 Solemn judgment
1 mirror force
1 starlight road
1 bottomless trap hole

I love Mark of the roses, it is one of the best cards on the game and is a great match for D.D.R. You can remove tytanial to steal an opponent monster with The mark and then bring back tytanial with DDR to push for a big amount of damage. Then, if the opponent is still alive, you can summon amaryliss from your grave to seal the deal.

Botanical girl help to search for amaryliss so you can discard it with trade-in. Cherry inmato fill your graveyard with plants to more burn damage with amaryliss. Also I first turn cherry inmato means that you can have two inmatos on the field on the next turn and one in the grave, everything ready to use a Mark of the rose for a lv6 or lv8 syncro.

Interplanetarypurplythorny dragon (IPPT Dragon) is a great beater that can be summon when cherry inmato dies (or botanical girl or goblin zombie). It also let you make a lv7 syncro like Power tool dragon. So you can search for mark of the rose and prepare for a big punch. IPPT is also good with skill drain and is another dark for allure of darkness.

The zombie engine is another great dark strategy immune to skill drain, you can blow a lot of combos with ddr and mezuki. And plaguespreader zombie is another lv2 tuner to make Power tool dragon with IPPT dragon.

So, the deck has a great strategy but it lacks of resources. Lonefire at one is a big problem to deck since it don't came out as fast as it should be. Also the deck lacks of strength on the normal summon, like probably all the syncro decks left on the game.

I'm a little tired of the deck right now. But I will upload some videos about it just to show you his potential. If anyone has any idea about how it could be better, please say it.


  1. Hey don't give up on the deck, just keep trying, find new engines for it, add miracle fertilizer, dandylion, gravirose to mill some plants, cactus fighter for a beater, and keep checking for some plant support

  2. Also throw in a dark engine like mystic tomato, DAD, just add dark plants .....mystic should b able to help with consistancy

  3. I like the idea Ryko + Hidden armory, you can destroy something, send 3 cards (Mark of Rose, DDR, Tytanial or Amarillys for example) and after use Hidden armory, I think it's a great idea. Light and dark monster in grave = Chaos or BLS and DAD. The problem is skill drain, add 2-3 veillers, not it's the same but... Maybe you thought this before jajajaja.

  4. Can you link me up? Thanks
