Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tournament Report

No, This is not a usual tournament report because I didn't play. I was one of the organizers and the head judge.

The event was really good according to what the people said. I feel really happy because I recieve almost not complains about anything.

Sorry for the lack of post, I was preparing everything for the tournament. Now that it is finally done, I can keep up with my usual life. (yeah!)


  1. almost no complaints?

    what did someone complain about lol?

  2. actually, right now Im' not sure if that sentence is well written.


    One guy thought that I was wrong on ruling about descendant, recruiter and rai-oh. I tried to talk to him, but he wasn't open to discussion.

    Also, the organization (me include), decided to make only swiss round (more rounds that necessary) and not top cut. Some people didn't agree with that, but and the end of the event everybody was happy, I think.
