Thursday, May 5, 2011

KaraKuri Syncro

Karakuri is one the most complex combo archetype of the game, is almost imposible to see all you can do until you have all the pieces of the puzzle. Finally Karakuri ninishi is realeased to the TCG, so everyone can build a complete KK deck without machina or plants. And this is the deck build I have been working for:

2 Kk saizan
2 Kk Kuick
3 Kk nisamu
2 Kk nishipachi
2 Kk Inashichi
1 Kk haipa
3 Kk ninishi

2 Kk cash cache
2 Kk anatomy
1 Dark hole
1 Book of moon
1 my body as a shield
3 Upstar goblin
2 de-syncro
1 monster reborn
2 instant fusion
1 limiter removal
1 Giant trunade

1 mirror force
2 Bottomless trap hole
1 starlight road
1 solemn judgment
1 royal oppression
2 trap stun

A lot of people know the main combo of this deck once you get Bureido out. But for who don't know yet, here is a little explanation:
3 cards combo: Kk ninishi + reborn/de-syncro/instant fusion + 1 Kk monster no tuner (or tuner if you have instant fusion)

Summon ninishi, then use the extra summon for the other Kk monster, Instant fusion get you cyber saurus, so you make bureido with ninishi y saurus, then bring a tuner a make another bureido with the other kk monster. Finally you bring nishipachi in defense and turn to attack, so both bureidos will get you one card. Now you have a field of 2 bureidos, and a tuner that your opponent can not attack, while your hand is 5 cards (if your opponent attack nishipashi, it will turn to defense again, and both bureidos will give you more cards). This mega combo is easy accomplishing thanks to all the copies of each card. But that’s not all, if you don't have reborn/de-syncro/instant fusion you can use Kk anatomy to get extra draws and end with a minor but powerful field.

3 cards combo: Kk ninishi +Kk anatomy + 1 Kk monster no tuner

Make burei and bring nishipachi, then change nishipachi position twice and draw two cards with the anatomy. Now you have a field of burei and nishipachi, and 5 cards in hand. In fact, a hand of instant fusion and a tuner, or Kk ninishi and a no-tuner means a burei or bureido and another Kk, This kind of opening can easily break Six samurais since both syncros are stronger than shi en.

Also this deck has some advantages over the actual meta:
1.- Any part of the combo, involves the graveyard. So necrovalley is not a problem.
2.- Lv7 syncro is a great number right now. You are able to make black rose almost at any moment.
3.- All are earth. Landoise, Barkion and Beast are great breaking cards right now.
4.- Kk have their own reinforcement. Karakuri cash cashe make all the combos more possible.
5.- You can go for the OTK, only if you want. Since you have a lot of syncro options, you can make stardust or scrap dragon and take control of the game from there. This is great in game two, to avoid system down and cyber dragon.


  1. Me gusta el balance entre monstruos y Magias/trampas, y el echo de que el deck se base puramente en el arquetipo, sin mezclarlo con plantas como otros decks ya muy vistos, pero obvio eso es por la salida de Ninishi.

    Quizas para los lectores hubiera sido bueno que incluyeras el extra deck, para que nos demos una idea de las distribucion de los Synchros (asi a nosotros los netdeckers nos facilitaras el trabajo de no pensar jaja).

    Espero la proxima entrada ya te acuerdes de nosotros los hispanos jeje


  2. 2 Burei
    2 Bureido
    1 naturia Beast
    1 N barkion
    1 N landoise
    1 Blackrose
    1 Chimeratech fortress dragon
    1 Stardust dragon
    1 Scrap dragon
    2 Cyber saurus
    1 Brionac
    1 AOJ catastor

    Era facil de suponer dado que casi todos son staples en el deck.

  3. Si lo se, es muy facil de suponer, solo era con la intencion que complementar el deck para los que nos da flojera buscar jaja....

    por cierto, siempre me ha gustado el uso de Instant Fusion para diversificar las synchronizaciones dentro del juego, ya que se me hace un costo justo perder esos slots del extradeck a cambio de diversidad =)
