Monday, August 29, 2011

End of the format

It have been a long format for me, but finally is over. So, probably some of you have wonder which deck I have been playing the whole format, and this is it.

3 Tengu
3 Hamster
2 Ryko
2 Lonefire
1 spore
1 glow-up bulb
3 tanngnjostr of the nordic beast
3 guldfaxe of the nordic beast
2 veiler
1 dandylion
1 sangan

2 mark of rose
1 mind control
1 dark hole
1 reborn
1 book of moon
1 foolish
2 pot fo avarice

2 bottomless
1 mirror force
1 starlight
1 solem judgment
1 dust tornado
1 gleipnir, the fetter of fenrir

I'm not gonna talk about the deck itself, so if you want to know how it works go to this page.

Now, probably you see the changes that I have made in the last months. Tengu is important to create more syncro option, also I always wanted to put out trooper, I hate when I mill mark of rose. Gorz is out of the deck because I aim to put card on the field via tengu and hamster (which are the best way to start your game). Instead of gorz I put "Gleipnir, the fetter of fenrir", so I can give more strong to the nordic engine.

It is the best deck I ever create, and I'm very proud of it. I'm not sure it works well in the next format. To be honest, I don't feel happy for the next format, but there is nothing I can do for that. Mark of rose is a Key Card in the game, remember it because some day will be really broken.

Por ultimo quisiera agradecer a todos mis lectores por pasar siempre por aqui y mirar todas mis actualizaciones, sobretodo la gente de latinoamerica (recalcando México) que son los que mas tiempo dedican en leer lo que escribo. Aprecio que entiendan que haya decidido escribir en ingles a pesar de saber que vosotros son los que mas leen.

1 comment:

  1. La verdad que este mazo esta bien creado y su funcionamiento me sorprendio mucho.
    Es una lastima ver que el proximo formato lo destruya casi por completo...
    La idea de mark of the rose y DDR es muy interesante, y sirve mucho mas de lo que pensaba.
    Espero que puedas adaptarlo a la siguiente lista porque en verdad es muy original la idea!
    Mucha suerte, y sigue con el blog!!
