Monday, November 14, 2011

Frog-Monarch Designator

As I said in my last post, I have been searching for a good deck to maindeck D.D. designator. I get three potential decks that let me see the opponent hand. The first is Gishki, however I instantly decide to not try it due to what I said in this post. The second deck is Darkworlds of course but I don't like to give free cards to my opponent (dragged down to the grave and dark world dealing). And the last is Frog Monarch due to AOI and raiza and this is probably the best option because, if I have a frog in the grave, almost every card in my hand can work on his own.

So, the wining condition is: Check the opponent hand, eliminate treats, and control with monarch and vanity fiend.
However the deck lacks of consistency because is impossible to search for any card of the wining condition. So even when I add extra copies of those cards in the deck the result is mostly the same or worse. After a lot of testing I end up with a decent decklist I think.

I will give you the decklist, tomorrow I will make some videos about the deck. In this case, I will make at least 6 videos so you can really see all the advantages and disadvantages of the deck.

3 swap frogs
2 tree F
3 Dupe F
1 Sangan
1 Ronintoadin
3 raiza
2 caius
2 vanity
1 gorz
2 trago
2 fader

3 duality
3 enemy C
2 d.d. designator
1 Reborn

2 Mind crush
1 Trap dustshoot
3 spiritual water aoi


  1. +Heavy
    +Dark Hole

    Quizas las PWWB puedan ser reemplazadas por Evacuation para no érder ventaja de mano, es masomenos la idea de regrear algo a la mano para despues descartarlo.

    Arriesgado, pero quizas luego puedas poner otro video como con los Fableds

  2. Yo te recomendaria
    3 swap frogs
    3 tree F
    1 Dupe F
    1 Sangan
    1 Ronintoadin
    3 LADD
    1 spore
    1 lonefire
    1 dandylion
    1 glow up
    1 gorz
    1 trago
    2 fader
    2 veiler

    2 enemy C
    2 d.d. designator
    1 Reborn
    1 one for one
    3 MST
    1 heavy
    1 dark hole

    2 PWWB
    2 Mind crush
    3 spiritual water aoi


  3. La idea es interesante porque has quitado todos los monarcas para poner en su lugar 3 ladd y un puñado de otras cartas q ralentizan al oponente (trago, fader y veiler). La verdad es que la falta mucha fuerza, no habria problema si formula estuviera a 3, porque entonces habria posibilidades de q realmente robes los ladd.
